Sunday, March 1, 2009

She's off!

Karli is 10 months old today and I'm excited to announce that she started crawling this last Thursday. (I was crossing my fingers she would do it before she turned 10 mos) It's the cutest thing because she's a natural, if she sees something she's excited about she does this "sprint crawl" so she can go extra fast- I love it. In this video she saw her dad on the treadmill and kept trying to crawl over to him but unfortunately for her I wouldn't let her get too close. I know it's dark but I had to share.

7 much appreciated comments:

Laurel said...

That's too cute! Good job Karli!!

Addison, Crew, Carter & Canon's Mama said...

YAY!!! She's so cute!

Rodgers clan said...

Too cute. Watch out mom, they go faster & faster every day.

the dutson five said...

Oh, little cutie!
I was hoping Sam would crawl by 10 months too... But, I guess now I'll just be happy if it's before he turns 1...

Bonnie said...

I think I am going to have to up my babysitting fee because she is more work now ;)

Bean said...

C'mon, C'mon, I'm dyin for an update here, what is new with you guys??

Anonymous said...

it's been way toooooo long since i've visited your blog. . .she is the cutest ever! how fun for you guys- you deserve it more than anyone. . .
your craft room sounds awesome. . .i always wanted a room just for my stuff- i want to find antique kitchen cabinets to hang on the walls to store stuff-
you both look happy. . .give Bonnie a squeeze from ME!!! love ya-g