Monday, December 22, 2008


I feel like I have been such a laggard blogger lately but haven't really had anything significant happen so this post is open to all. In our family at Christmas we have a few traditions. I'm sure like many we get an orange in our stocking, my mom makes the best fudge (making a special batch just for me without nuts), we watch Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation, and the most rewarding tradition is finding a family less fortunate to be a Secret Santa for. This year my younger sister and I have decided to start an annual book swap for Christmas instead of taking on the arduous task of finding the perfect gift for each other.

Now I'm curious to know what your family traditions are, if you have any? Don't be shy :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa request updated pictures.

Karli has ripened to the age of 7 months now and every day is more fun than the last. I adore her little personality. She now has her 2 bottom teeth and can sit up on her own. At her 6 month appt. she weighed in at 19.2lbs (92%).Here are some pictures of her life the past few months.