Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Adoption update...I CAN'T HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER!!!

I have been debating on how I want to post this for some time now. About a month ago Jason and I were called by our caseworker and she told me that she wanted us to sit down with her and her supervisor. I thought it sounded kind of unimportant so I told her that we had plans that night so we could meet the next day . She proceeded to tell me that they needed to talk to us right away, preferably at 4:30 that same day. We went down to the agency and sat down with the 2 of them. Her supervisor (Kevin) tells us about a situation where a birth mom is pregnant, has admitted to substance abuse supposedly only until she found out that she was pregnant but since then hadn't used. He also said she "claims" that she's has been to the Doctor but the agency is unable to confirm that so the sex is unknown. And she also informed Kevin that she is in a lot of trouble with the law. He then tells us that they gave her a pile of 12 profiles to look through and that when she got to ours she held it and and said "THIS IS THE FAMILY FOR MY BABY". (That makes me cry every time I say it) Sooooooooo, he tells us to go home, pray about it, fast, go to the Temple and try to make the right decision. We leave the agency and Jason is all excited while I am extremely hesitant and not really feeling the same feelings as him. At this point I was nervous, scared, disappointed and pretty much freaked out. I kept thinking to myself, "everyone else gets this big announcement with flowers and gifts, an ultrasound and gets to meet their birth mom" while we are faced with this HEART WRENCHING decision and a birth mom that never wants to meet us." We mention it to our parents and try to take their advice. We went to the Temple, prayed and prayed and prayed. Finally after a story that Jason's dad told me and reading our p.blessings Jason and I realized that we should say yes to this baby and know that Heavenly Father won't give us anything we can't handle. So, our birth mom is due April 17th, so cross your fingers she sticks with her plan.We are ecstatic, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

P.S. oh yeah, on Friday we learned from Kevin that she has a warrant out for her arrest so if anyone knows where she is, I think jail is sounding like a good home for her at the time. :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Is it just another steakhouse??

This weekend Jason and I were able to experience our first taste of Brazilian food. Our friends invited us to go with them to the Braza Grill and the food was fabulous. We were able to try grilled pineapple, fried bananas and so many yummy kinds of meat. Afterwards my friend Karaden and I drug the poor husbands to see the movie "P.S. I love you" which I really enjoyed and recommend. I want to tell Sean and Karaden thanks for a fun Saturday night! I will attach the menu to Braza if any of you are interested to see what they serve. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The husbands obsession

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

iNsPiRaTiOn ...........oR dEsPeRaTiOn?

So last night after Jason and I got home from work we had a lot of shoveling of snow to do so we got started. As we were finishing we notice the bishop comes walking out of his house and is walking towards us. My only thought was "Please don't ask us to speak in church, please please!" So the three of us share some small talk and then he looks at me and says "So Shana, we'd like extend a calling to you" and all I can think is "Thank goodness it's not about speaking" So he then says we would like you to be the Relief Society Chorister. I BUST up laughing because I'm soooooo not musically inclined. I said while laughing "I'd be happy to do it as long as the women don't mind watching me wave my hands around" and I asked him if he was sure he asked the right person. He then explains that there is a guide in the hymn book that I can refer to. Then my dear husband pipes up and tells the bishop that I'm a good singer (at this point I give Jason the look of death because I'm honestly NOT a good singer) and then the bishop asks me if I would be interested in singing a solo in sacrament!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK? While all this is happening Jason is thinking it's stinkin hilarious! So I tell the bishop a final yes about conducting, and that I would do whatever he wanted me to do. We say our goodbyes and the bishop turns around while walking away and says "Oh, Shana........... we will sustain you this Sunday and I will be sure to let you know if anyone votes against you" (with a big grin). So, needless to say, I've been doing some searching for some inspiration and found this video that gave me some good ideas.I've decided to just have fun with this calling and to just go nuts.