Friday, April 11, 2008

Adoption Update!

Kevin called us tonight as we were leaving the house and so of course the first thing I thought was that our birth mom was in labor. Then my heart stopped beating because I've been putting being prepared off forever. Needless to say, she wasn't. But he did tell us that this last week she's had pretty steady contractions so she went in to see the Dr and he said she was fine and that he would see her back next week for her appt. We're making serious progress now- sounds like she's seeing her Dr regularly YAY!!! Anyway, Kevin said that when he talked to her she was still solid with her plans of placing and also added that she goes to court on Monday and will find out what state she will deliver in. If she goes to jail now= Utah. If they wait to book her until after delivery=Wyoming. And sorry folks we don't know what kind of crime she committed. (I've had a lot of people ask.) All that matters is that she's a sweet soul that is making a brilliant choice to place her baby. Cross your fingers that she delivers in Utah, I REALLY don't want to stay in Wyoming in a hotel for a couple weeks. Good thing for the credit card I guess. :(
My goal this weekend is to wash her clothes, pack her bag, pack our bag and put her car seat in the car so we're ready for the big day! Oh- by the way, I think I've held you all in suspense long enough, I think I will post her name sometime this weekend(before my husband tells everyone. He's a pushover and can't keep a secret-love ya babe). I have to say to all the sweet gals in my ward that check my blog for updates, I honestly from the bottom of my heart really really appreciate all of your sincere excitement and joy for us. I had no idea so many people cared. Thanks.

7 much appreciated comments:

Laurel said...

How exciting!! We love the updates! Let me know if you need any help!! Don't worry...I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, and I survived! It all works out! :)

Sarah said...

EXCITING! FUN FUN FUN! Ya know it is pretty cool to be born in WY. hahaha. Just kidding I hope everything goes smoothly for you! I can't wait to see some cute pictures!

Bonnie said...

Um Hello, you haven't even told me this news yet. You better not be holding out on me. But at least I know the name ;)

Susan said...

Shana - I've been keeping track of your progress through your blog. Keep up the great work. I'm so excited for you and Jason! You guys will be the greatest parents! I'm so excited! I want to know the name!!! Keep up the posting and we want pictures when the new arrival gets here!

Sum & Ben said...

Oh my gosh... I am dying for you! Does it seem like a dream? This is like a movie, and I am so excited for the happy ending!! I want to do a neighborhood shower for you, so lets talk and come up with a date... hopefully soon because it sounds like she is coming!!

Adam and Kristine said...

I am so excited for you two. I bet you are so anxious. You sound really prepared. I can't wait to know what you will be naming her.

meg 'n' rich said...

AAAAHHH! Pins and needles! I'm waiting for you to get this babe on pins and needles!!! I can't wait for you to get to be parents!!