Thursday, November 6, 2008

You can't take her back now!

This last Monday we were able to go to court and have our hearing to make Karlis adoption final. What a relief! It's been a long 6 months in that aspect but our time with her has also gone by so fast! I can't believe my little baby is in 9-12 mos clothes(actually there's nothing "little" about her). Every time I go through her drawers it makes me sad to pack up the ones that no longer fit her. Each and every day is more fun with her and to see her little personality forming is priceless. It's amazing that something so small and that can't even talk can just make you melt. She's perfect for our family and there's no doubt in my mind that she was always meant to be with us. What an amazing thing adoption is! I'm so grateful for our birth parents and the selfless decision they made just over 6 months ago.

If I have learned anything from this whole experience it has definitely been to have some faith. And believe me it was tested to the max when we had to make the decision to know if Karli was supposed to be our baby. I went home and just cried about it because it wasn't your "ideal" adoption. Jason felt that she/he (didn't know if it was a girl or boy yet) belonged with us. I however was scared to death that this baby would be handicap and have all kinds of deformities. I knew that I wouldn't be a good enough mother to a baby with those kinds of problems. Then Jason's dad told me the story of this woman who was expecting Christ to come by her house one day so she started cleaning her house when there was a knock on her door. It was a homeless man who asked her for some food, she looked at him and told him that she was too busy and she wouldn't be able to help him. She got back to her work when a few hours later there was another knock on her door, this time she opened the door to find a small child. He asked her if he could come in and borrow something. She looked at the child and again said she was unable to help him. While still getting ready for her visit from the Savior there was a third knock on her door. This time it was an elderly lady who asked the woman if she could come in to get warm. The woman told her she was too busy and that she was unable to help her. Later that night the woman was talking to Christ and asked him where he had been all day as she had been anticipating his visit. Christ looked at her and said "I've already been to your house 3 times and you've turned me away each time".

After I heard that I couldn't stop thinking about it knowing that this could be a test for us and what if I was the woman in the story and I was the one turning this baby away for selfish reasons? That story was just eating at me and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew at that point deep in my heart the Lord wouldn't give me anything that I couldn't handle so whatever problem(s) this baby may have- I could handle it! After making up our mind to accept this baby I was completely comforted. I knew everything would be ok no matter what happened. Once Karli was born everything about this sweet spirited baby tested perfect. How could I have been so selfish? Why did I deserve such a perfect baby with no problems whatsoever? I'm so glad that my stubborness didn't win and that we were so blessed with such an amazing child. Karli I love you with all my heart, you truly are my angel.

23 much appreciated comments:

the dutson five said...

Oh, what a sweet story! I'm so happy for you guys!

Laurel said...

I'm so happy for you and Jason. I know Karli was meant to be apart of your family. She's such a sweet, beautiful little girl! She's lucky to have you two as parents, and I'm sure she'll be forever grateful to her birth mom and dad! :)

Nikki said...

I am so excited for you guys, it's great that it is all finalized! I love the story!

Vickie said...

That was beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys! Congrats on the finalization!

Lindsey and Tommy said...

Oh... I remember "court day" with my little brother and sister when we adopted them. I am sure you have such joy in your home right now. I loved that story about the Savior... I will need to remember that message!! I am really happy for you guys!!! Karli has the best parents!!

Bonnie said...

Yay! She is ours now forever! I really like that story too. I am so glad everything turned out for the very best. You have a lot of faith and patience. I don't know that I could have done all that you guys have been through. You are an amazing mother to Karli! Loves to you :)

Wilson Family said...

Thank you so much for letting me share in a few of your special moments. The court hearing was awesome, and the blessing, incredible : ) You are such a sweet family, and I love Karli to pieces.

Bean said...

A big huge congrats!!! Thanks for sharing that story, you always make me tear up! We really need to meet up for lunch so I can meet your little angle!

Adam and Kristine said...

That is an amazing story. Both, yours and the one your father in-law shared with you. I have a question about your shop. Are you etsy? Or do you just sell to etsy?

Brent and Jessica said...

I love you story! It is amazing to me how special you guys are. We are so happy for you and the oppertunity you have to raise such a beautiful little girl, that looks a bit like Jason. When do you get to have her sealed to you?

Lindz said...

Congratulations!! Your daughter is beautiful and you guys are such a cute little family! And what a sweet story about how you got her!

Anonymous said...

What a tender story. . .thank you so much for letting me into your heart a bit- it helps strenghen my testimony. What a beautiful forever family you are. You are a super example of faith and patience. The third picture down- where Jason is holding her and she is smiling- is the sweetest. She is so blessed to have you both as parents! You guys rock! Thanks for sharing your story.

Sean and Karaden Lodder said...

I'm so happy for you two,you guys are great parents and your so right about the Lord not giving you anything you couldn't handle. Karli is in deed your lil angel and you two are hers too:)

Tonee said...

Oh Shana, what a beautiful little family you have. Seriously, you, Jason, and Karli all look so beautiful and radiant in those pics!

Deb'nDJ said...

Wow, what do you say to that post? It was amazing. What an answer to prayer all of this has been for you guys. So great!

NT Weekes Family said...

We are so HAPPY for you guys!
We'd LoVe to meet her someday... give us a call the next time you're in town! :o) You're story is sooo TRUE... I've have grown a lot this year to have more Faith in my Heavenly Father & with everything that has been going on in just our little Family. -- He truly does KNOW what we can handle & what we NEED to learn!

Kim said...

I loved this post! Karli couldn't have asked for better parents and you couldn't have asked for a sweeter baby, your family is amazing. It always blows me away how the lord answers prayers, you never expect it.

Poe said...

k, I'm crying right now! Thanks for posting your feelings and the story of Christ. Congrats on the finalization! I wish we lived closer - our Anna is the same age, same size clothes and doing the same stuff - I think they'd be great friends! :)

Susan said...

What a beautiful post! Your Karli is precious. You are all so blessed to have each other.

Megan Hauze said...

CONGRATS! What a long time coming! You two deserve it. What a perfect little family you have now!

The Evans Family said...

Congratulations! What a sweet story. I am happy for you guys. It is so nice to see your family and get updated!

Shanna and Jason Blog said...

Hi Shana,
I just stumbled onto your blog while trying to find my blog. My name is Shanna and am married to Jason. We also live in Utah. You have a cute family.

Bonnie said...

OK, you have 23 comments now... Time for a new post.